Wednesday, 13 August 2014

My favourite sport

Indoor cricket. Indoor cricket is my favourite and most successful sport I play at the moment. My favourite part of the game is the fact that the game is confined and you can bounce and catch off the nets. The rules of this form of the game are suited more for a faster and more exciting game. These are the pure basic rules of the game:
1.     Non-striker batsman only has to run to half way (as shown on photo)
2.    8 fielders, 2 batsman and 1 umpire.
3.    -5 runs if you get out
4.    Softer ball
5.    Not allowed the ball in the huddles
6.    If you hit the walls in the first half of the court you get an extra run when you run, but 2 extra runs if you hit the side back half.
7.    If you hit the far back wall on the full its 6 runs but if you run you get 7.
8.    4 batting partenerships.
9.    If you get a higher score then the batsmen on the other team who batted at the same partnership time as you, you get a “skin”
10.You are allowed to catch the ball off any net except the very back one, unless it hits another net and stays off the ground.
These are only a few  of the main rules, except there are some little things you should know to do during the game, e.g. If they bowl a wide you have to signal to the umpire if you want to re- bowl it.
The main skill that you learn (or should have) is fast reflexes. As you are playing
playing in a small court a ball can bounce of any wall or come at you at any time. Another skill relating to reflexes is just simply to be ready to catch, field or throw the ball at anytime.
I think that most people are put off cricket because of how long it takes and how little you are in the game, but indoor cricket is the opposite of this. You are constantly diving, talking and celebrating most balls!

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