Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Medieval Times (2)

Medieval Times
So far in medieval times we have learnt TONS. I have learnt what they built their roofs out of, (animal dung) and what the roles are of the people in the village and their ranks.  I think watching and roleplaying helped me to learn the best. That is because I got involved more then just writing.  I liked the medieval stuff because it was interesting.
Thanks miss bolger !!

Sunday, 11 August 2013


This is my first year of tech at Mt Cook School; and I am LOVING it!! I have been in two classes this far this year, Woodwork and Electronics.
In electronics we made a buzzer and a light.
In woodwork we are finishing our spoons. 

In both classes I have learnt to follow instructions carefully.

Monday, 5 August 2013


We have been learning about Medieval Times since middle of last term. We have been learning the different ranks, what they do and how they spend their day.

This term we are going to build two castles and all the buildings and stuff inside to learn what the people do. we are going to build this on minecraft. I would like to learn more about the defenses of the castle.

thanks, Matt