Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Basic Facts

I need to work on my Eight times tables, and my sevens. I can improve on my basic facts by focusing more. I will focus on my eights this week and I hope to get one hundred on my test. I have been getting high ninety's most of the time but I need to get quicker.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Catholic Schools Day

 Tommorow we are going to Saint Bridgids
We will be attending a liturgy,playing some games and making new friends. I can make the day go better by being nice and working with other people. I am hoping that the St Bridgids people will be nice and i am looking forward to having a fun!!  

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Rep Trials

West Reps!!
last sunday we had rep trials. About 55 of us played a game of rugby for two hours. It was very tiring and I even lost my kicking tee!On tuesday the team was anounced and I was in! I was so happy and cant wait to play with the best rugby players in unde 11 in wests.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

ASB Money Money Money!

Today the ASB guy came to our class,
he explained to us that it is very easy to save money. You can save money by following some simple steps to success. The first step is to make two bank accounts,One strictly for saving and the other only for spending.The final stage is to learn how to MANAGE your money. You need to think before you buy, what you need and what you don't. If you don't need something, don't buy it. These are some ways you can save money and buy the things you love.